Mulanya aku hairan jugalah kenapa ada orang reject vaccine. Since I have some medical background so I know how does the vaccine works and how important it is. But then gerakan antivaksin ni bukan kes terpencil. It is a global issue. So they must have some strong reasons to reject vaccine.
Biasalah everything has pros and cons kan? Vaksin ni bukanlah 100% safe or 100% unsafe. Question is which one outweigh which one? We gotta choose the lesser between the two evils.
So tak perlulah nak bash atau enraged dengan orang yang berbeza pendapat dengan kita.
Pro-vax tak perlulah kata anti-vax ni f-ing ignorant, jumud, konservatif, selfish. And anti-vax pun tak payahlah kata pro-vax bertaqlid buta. No one knows everything, but everyone knows something, kan? There must be some good reasons people are rejecting or accepting vaccine.
C'mon lah anti-vax movement ni bukan setakat di Malaysia. It's all over the world kot.
US, Italy, Japan, Australia contohnya ada juga golongan penentang vaksin. (Klik link yang telah di highlight)
Aku try lah memahami golongan anti-vax ni and they got few reasons to do so.
Salah satunya because of safety and effectiveness of the vaccine.
Reason yang paling hot sekali adalah thimerosal yang dikatakan boleh menyebabkan autism. Sampai sekarang aku pun tak tahu dimana kebenarannya. Mungkin kena minta tolong Papa Kebenaran untuk tahu apa sebenarnya yang telah kejadian. Sinetron apa yang mereka mainkan. Hohoho
CDC and WHO kata thimerosal adalah selamat dan tidak menyebabkan autism. Rujuk websites CDC and WHO.
Tapi kalau tengok pula website yang bukan mainstream seperti ini, itu, sini, situ dan sinun kontradiks pula ceritanya.
Jadi CDC dan WHO menipu? Tak pasti juga. Cuba tengok ini pulak.
Aku ada lah tanya di page fb Medical Mythbuster Malaysia (yang obviously a provaxx) tentang isu thimerosal ni tapi tu lah angin bertiup sepoi-sepoi bahasa tamil. Soalan aku tak dilayan. Cedih. Suspicious jugalah apasal soalan aku tak dijawab sedangkan page tu kan bertujuan untuk memberi pencerahan kepada masyarakat tentang isu-isu perubatan. Komen-komen aku yang berbaur provax di'like' dan di'reply' tapi komen yang berunsur antivax dibuat dont know je.
Ni ikhlas ke nak mencerahkan masyarakat? If you truly want to educate people, then tell us the whole truth. Why only educate us on the positive side of vaccine and you totally abandon the negative side? Kalau tak ada sesiapa tanya ok fine lah tak nak cerita pun. Ni dah ada orang tanya kenapa buat senyap juga? This is not education, this is doctrinism.
Kawan aku pun pernah kena sound dekat page penolong pegawai perubatan and soalan dia pun tak dijawab. Apa semua ni???
I believe parents should be well-informed about the good and bad effects of vaccine so they can make a fair judgement.
This kind of attitude just proved that something is definitely wrong with the content of thimerosal in vaccine, dont you think?
Aku tanya bukannya nak bash. I just honestly want to know the truth.
Sebenarnya memang banyak informations bias kalau kita cuma baca from what they feed us. Dont just blindly believe what the media told us.
I'm not against vaccine. Even aku sendiri pun ambil vaksin masa kecik dulu and sekarang alhamdulillah sihat walafiat. But there are some people who are not as lucky as me. Contohnya this kid and this kid. Walaupun aku meragui kesahihan cerita ni.
Lagi satu reason anti-vaccine is alternative medicine and natural approaches.
Kalau korang suka follow benda-benda yang viral lah kan, *jemah mode on* ada seorang penyanyi nasyid ni yang sangat anti-vaccine disebabkan oleh reasons diatas. Memang dia kena kecam habis dengan netizen. Kesemua anaknya tak pernah ambil vaksin. Dia lebih selesa menggunakan pendekatan homeopathy, makanan sunnah, dan zikir.
Honestly, I dont really know about homeopathy so no komen. But regarding makanan sunnah I would like to share this with you.
Tapi tu lah like I said everything has pro and con.
Vaksin ni penting for herd immunity. My friend, Dr Qid cakap (eceh ada orang tu dah pass medical school congrats haha) tak semua kanak-kanak boleh ambil vaksin disebabkan oleh some contraindications. So these kids have to rely on herd immunity to protect themselves from infection.
If majority of people rejected vaccination, herd imunity will collapse. Jadi kesianlah dekat budak-budak yang tak boleh ambil vaksin. Kalau terjadi disease outbreak, those kids will be at the highest risk.
Bukan kebetulan diphteria datang menyerang Kedah disaat Kedah mencatatkan kes penolakan vaksin tertinggi di Malaysia.
Isu ni sangat complicated because it deals with peoples' life. And our decision affects others too, not just our own kids.
So is there any win-win solution for this issue? I think there is.
Tapi aku tak habis study lagi pasal tu.
So stay tuned. Eceh.
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