Monday, 27 June 2016

2:30 vs 7:12

Let's compare and contrast these two familiar situations.

If we don't study this carefully, it seems like both the malaikat and iblees are trying to act against Allah.

The malaikat seems to object the decision made by Allah. Like, "You gonna make humans as khalifah? Like seriously? They gonna be criminals. They gonna destroy the earth. Why dont You choose us? We never do bad things like them."

Whereas, the iblees disobeyed the command given by Allah. No need example here because it is clearly stated in the ayat.

The second thing is, between the statements given by malaikat and iblees, which one is more offensive to human? The statement of malaikat. Why?

Because iblees only said that we are made of clay. While the malaikat said we are corrupt and love to shed blood. I mean what's the big deal when people said we made of clay, but to be called as criminals???? That is a big deal. Are we that bad in their eyes? Honestly, which statement you feel offended when you first listened to?

Now hold on there. Calm yourself. I know it's disturbing to be on iblees side. Hahaha

Ok back to our topic.

The third thing is, in malaikat situation the story just ended there. That was it. Allah answered their question and everything was ok. "I know what you dont know so let us move on." Allah seems to be pretty chill about this whole situation, isn't it? C'mon where is the rage???? Where is the anger???? Weren't they trying to object Your decision????

On the other hand, the iblees were very unfortunate. Because of their statement and their disobedience, Allah was very mad at them that He kicked them out of the heaven. Serve your right!

But why did these happened?
Both were trying to act against Allah. But why did He only get mad at the iblees but not at the malaikat?

Why did Allah reacted differently toward these situations?

The answers hidden in their statements.

Look at what they said carefully.

"Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?"

We declare Your praise and sanctify You. Or in arabic nusabbihu bihamdika wanuqaddisu laka.

Kami bertasbih kepada Mu
Kami bertahmid kepada Mu
Kami mensucikan Mu dari segala-galanya.

This is the statement of humbleness.

It is like, "we are asking You this because we are sincerely confuse. We are not trying to object Your decision. Your decision is the best. Kami mensucikan Mu dari segala-galanya. You are free of weakness. You are the Great. It is just that, because of our weaknesses, because of our lack of understanding, our lack of mind, we are unable to comprehend Your decision. We are honestly confuse. No strings attached here."

Because of this humble statement, Allah didn't get mad at them. :)

Now what about the iblees?

"[ Allah ] said, "What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?" [Satan] said, "I am better than him. You created me from fire and created him from clay."

I guess no explanation needed here. Haha. It's obviously they were being arrogant as the next ayat says...

"[ Allah ] said, "Descend from Paradise, for it is not for you to be arrogant therein. So get out; indeed, you are of the debased."

Humble vs arrogant.

Sometimes it has nothing to do with what you say but why you say it.


That's it! Moga Allah redha.

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