Wanted to watch Central Intelligence tonight because my friend rated that movie 10/10 like whaaaaaaaat??? but unfortunately the internet is really slow tonight so nvm lol. Therefore I decided to write a new post instead.
So here it is.
Let's talk about a short surah.
This surah is particularly dedicated to the biggest enemy of Islam. Can you guess???
Yezza that's correct. Suratul Masad.
The surah is about Abu Lahab and his wife.
The question is, what did they do that Allah was sooooo angry at them? That He specially dedicated a surah to them? To answer these questions we gotta know them first.
So here is some short biography of them.
Abu Lahab was an uncle to Rasulullah. Blood related. We all know that.
He was a grandson of Hashim and from from hashimi tribe. Two of his sons married to two daughters of Rasulullah.
His real name was Abdul Uzza which means the slave of Uzza (one of the false idol around kaabah).
People called him Abu Lahab. Do you know why? Because he was soooo good-looking. Seriously I'm not kiddin' you. He had some kind of beautiful reddish complexion on his skin. He was soooo good looking he looked like a flame that sticks out in the night because of his skin.
His wife is Ummu Jamil. Well you know what jamil means right? She was sooooo gorgeously beautiful. She was a granddaughter of Umayyah and needless to say from Umayyah tribe.
So yeah they're like pinang dibelah dua. Sama cantik sama padan.
They were not just good looking, they were the most famous and wealthy people too. They got everything. Both are politically influential. Anak ketua tribe kan. Just imagine everyone wanted to be like them. They were like a celebrity. Diorang ni memang disanjung gila-gilalah.
Senang cakap, perfect couple! Like Kate Middleton and Prince William or Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.
But why Allah was so mad at them? Am talking about Abu Lahab and his wife not William and Kate. lol
The thing is to be a musyrik is one thing. But to be a musyrik, and a kafir, and an enemy to Rasulullah is way too worse. That's the worst thing you can be.
They were full of hatred toward Rasulullah.
They're a neighbour of Rasulullah. Their houses were separated by a wall and on top of the wall there was a space. You remember P. Ramlee's Masam Masam Manis? You remember when Cikgu Shaari throws kulit pisang into Norkiah's room and Norkiah throws rubbish in return? Haa their houses were something like that.
So what happened was, everytime nabi recites the Quran, Abu Lahab will throw rubbish and animal skin etc into his house. Kuanghajo kan? Even in arabian culture, they have a sense of nobility that they don't do such a thing to their neighbours. But Abu Lahab even crossed that line.
After Islam came, his sons divorced nabi's daughters.
Fast forward, his sons spit to nabi. Then nabi made a doa. Abu Lahab was so terrified by the doa. He was so paranoid. I don't remember the doa but I think it has something to do with his sons la kot. So Abu Lahab so terrified that he uses animals to guard his sons' tent so that nothing won't happen to them. But one night, there was a lion came and passed through the animals and the animals didn't even make a sound. Subhanallah.The lion got into the tent and killed his sons.
Another thing is he celebrated the loss of the son of Rasullulah. When he heard the news, he was overwhelmed by joyness. He's dancing and singing. He enjoyed the news. The news of his own nephew death. What kind of person enjoys the death of his own flesh and blood?????
He also cursed the religion. Because this religion makes him equal to others. Because that is what Islam does. Islam makes everyone equal. When we stand before Him in prayer, our worldly status don't matter anymore, we are all His slave. Besides, if he accept this religion, politically he won't be a leader anymore. Rasulullah will.
He cursed Rasulullah when he made an open invitation to Islam. Even after this surah was revealed, he still took it as a joke.
Actually there's a lot of interesting story regarding this surah that I want to share here but I think this post is long enough so nvm. Maybe I will continue next time.
Till then,
So here it is.
Let's talk about a short surah.
This surah is particularly dedicated to the biggest enemy of Islam. Can you guess???
Yezza that's correct. Suratul Masad.
The surah is about Abu Lahab and his wife.
The question is, what did they do that Allah was sooooo angry at them? That He specially dedicated a surah to them? To answer these questions we gotta know them first.
So here is some short biography of them.
Abu Lahab was an uncle to Rasulullah. Blood related. We all know that.
He was a grandson of Hashim and from from hashimi tribe. Two of his sons married to two daughters of Rasulullah.
His real name was Abdul Uzza which means the slave of Uzza (one of the false idol around kaabah).
People called him Abu Lahab. Do you know why? Because he was soooo good-looking. Seriously I'm not kiddin' you. He had some kind of beautiful reddish complexion on his skin. He was soooo good looking he looked like a flame that sticks out in the night because of his skin.
His wife is Ummu Jamil. Well you know what jamil means right? She was sooooo gorgeously beautiful. She was a granddaughter of Umayyah and needless to say from Umayyah tribe.
So yeah they're like pinang dibelah dua. Sama cantik sama padan.
They were not just good looking, they were the most famous and wealthy people too. They got everything. Both are politically influential. Anak ketua tribe kan. Just imagine everyone wanted to be like them. They were like a celebrity. Diorang ni memang disanjung gila-gilalah.
Senang cakap, perfect couple! Like Kate Middleton and Prince William or Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.
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Dia ni hensem sebenarnya kalau tak botak tengah lol. Kesian dia banyak sangat fikir masalah negara. |
The thing is to be a musyrik is one thing. But to be a musyrik, and a kafir, and an enemy to Rasulullah is way too worse. That's the worst thing you can be.
They were full of hatred toward Rasulullah.
They're a neighbour of Rasulullah. Their houses were separated by a wall and on top of the wall there was a space. You remember P. Ramlee's Masam Masam Manis? You remember when Cikgu Shaari throws kulit pisang into Norkiah's room and Norkiah throws rubbish in return? Haa their houses were something like that.
So what happened was, everytime nabi recites the Quran, Abu Lahab will throw rubbish and animal skin etc into his house. Kuanghajo kan? Even in arabian culture, they have a sense of nobility that they don't do such a thing to their neighbours. But Abu Lahab even crossed that line.
After Islam came, his sons divorced nabi's daughters.
Fast forward, his sons spit to nabi. Then nabi made a doa. Abu Lahab was so terrified by the doa. He was so paranoid. I don't remember the doa but I think it has something to do with his sons la kot. So Abu Lahab so terrified that he uses animals to guard his sons' tent so that nothing won't happen to them. But one night, there was a lion came and passed through the animals and the animals didn't even make a sound. Subhanallah.The lion got into the tent and killed his sons.
Another thing is he celebrated the loss of the son of Rasullulah. When he heard the news, he was overwhelmed by joyness. He's dancing and singing. He enjoyed the news. The news of his own nephew death. What kind of person enjoys the death of his own flesh and blood?????
He also cursed the religion. Because this religion makes him equal to others. Because that is what Islam does. Islam makes everyone equal. When we stand before Him in prayer, our worldly status don't matter anymore, we are all His slave. Besides, if he accept this religion, politically he won't be a leader anymore. Rasulullah will.
He cursed Rasulullah when he made an open invitation to Islam. Even after this surah was revealed, he still took it as a joke.
Actually there's a lot of interesting story regarding this surah that I want to share here but I think this post is long enough so nvm. Maybe I will continue next time.
Till then,